Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rotary supporting Christchurch where it can

Scores dead and utter devastation after another earthquake in NZ

New Zealand’s Canterbury province was again struck by a massive earthquake, registering 6.3 on the Richter scale, on February 22. More than 40 people were reported dead within a few hours and many more remained trapped, dead and alive, under the rubble of collapsed buildings and flattened vehicles.

New Zealand’s “Garden City” of Christchurch and surrounding townships remain devastated and many places without water, sewerage and electricity. A state of Civil Emergency was declared and international search and rescue teams joined defence force, police and emergency services personnel to rescue as many as quickly as possible.

District 9970 DG Margaret Reeves said big aftershocks continue and people were both frightened and concerned for their loved ones. Local Rotarians were assisting where and when able. DG Margaret said100% of donations of money were being channelled into the areas of greatest need.

Messages and support from the Rotary family worldwide were quickly received. Within hours of the earthquake a large donation was received from Japan and despite being dealing with the aftermath of the Queensland floods, PDG Errol Wildman said D9630 Rotarians were ready to assist. PRIP Bill Boyd received messages of support from throughout the world.