Friday, April 29, 2011

Wanganui North's Report

At a packed venue with 110 Rotarians, partners and friends, DG Howard Tong welcomed and introduced past RI International President Bill Boyd and his wife Lorna. Bill will be Chair of the Rotary Foundation next Rotary year. 
Without notes he held the meeting enthralled with Bill & Lorna Boyd his passion for the Rotary Foundation. He spoke of Polio Plus and its success but also the need to eradicate pockets of the disease in Nigeria, Pakistan and India to prevent re infection. Success in educating girls to enable them to have better lives was inspirational. Providing water to schools so children could receive better education showed us the value of the Rotary Foundation in partnership with agencies such as UNESCO. He also touched on the project of Illustrated Dictionaries in the area of literacy, a great success story.
Bill quoted Mother Teresa: "The greatest lack in the world is love for our nearest neighbour' and "How much love do we put into our actions?".
Our pacific neighbours have many great needs that we can address (the Taveuni Ambulance is one example Ed.)
He concluded by stating that the Rotary Foundation is our greatest power.  DG Elect Bob Smith warmly thanked Bill for his address. All present gave Bill a standing ovation.