Monday, May 23, 2011

Bourbon Street - New Orleans

Sheryl - you can't eat all that!
It was decided last night that we would dien more modestly as so we headed to the local 'Mother's Restaurant' across from our Hotel.  We were joined by PDG Neil (9910) and Trish and we joined the throngs of people at this well known restaurant.  The meals were certainly different but the service was efficient and the meals were basic but nourishing.  We then decided we would set off for Bourbon Street.  Down Canal Street we walked and entered into a carnival atmosphere and with many people replacing the cars on a very narrow street where the noise was at times blocked out by the music!  A great night- part of the experience of a Rotary Convention I understand.  We arrived back to the Hotel having experienced a little more of New Orleans by night.  Tomorrow we are looking forward to the opening plenary session and then the opportunity for a reunion of the 'Burgundy Blazers' with Ray Klinginsmith.
Tony said we just had to have a drink in Bourbon Street