Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A night to remember

After a great day with PRIP Frank Devlyn in Wellington, our District has just had a wonderful evening.  We have celebrated international relationships, youth and service.
PRIP Frank and Howard leaning aganst the
pay telescope erected by Port Nicholson
International relationships were celebrated as we were hosted by the Mexican Embassy and the acting Ambassador welcomed PRIP Frank Devlyn - a fellow Mexican - to Wellington.  A group of over 50 attended including Past District Governors, local Presidents and Assistant Governors with partners who joined me in celebrating our connection with Mexico - and our Mexican Youth Exchange student was also centre stage.

PRIP Frank with past Dstrict Govenrors and others
from District 9940
Youth was celebrated as most moved on to the Museum Art Hotel where the Wellington Rotaract Club was Chartered - and certificates handed out to the proud charter members.  This was a wonderful moment to celebrate the work of Jean Phipps and the local charter Presidents - seeing the energy and hope demonstrated by this group of young adults keen to serve the community.  Again the past District Governors celebrated with event along with many other supportive Rotarians.

Finally we celebrated service.  Colin Alford from Eastern Hutt was awarded The Stan Rowe Award for his service to humanity - especially in relation to the Ruchi project and PDG Judy was recognised for her Major Donation to the Rotary Foundation.  Again graced by Frank.

It was a very memorable evening.