Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Past RI President Frank Devlyn visits Wellington

Today we welcome Past Rotary International President Frank Devlyn into our District. He was a key note speaker at 9930 Conference in the weekend and is passing through Wellington on his way back to Mexico.

In the short time Frank is here he will be hosted by Luis Enrique Franco, Charge d’Affaires a.i. Embassy of  Mexico in the early evening to an invited group of Rotarians, and then will move to a local Museum Art Hotel to Charter a new Rotaract Club of Wellington at 7pm.
This will be a great event for those young Charter members and for the District with an expected 80 strong gathering expected.
If you have not read Frank Devlyn's 'Frank Talks' books, make sure you look them up on the RDU web site.
And it is fitting that PDG Morris Robertson will be meeting him off the plane as Morris was District Governor in Frank's year as President in 2000-2001.  His theme that year was interestingly enough "Create Awareness - Take Action"  There is some cross over here with our District theme for this year.

Frank was also Chairman of the Rotary Foundation 2005-2006 - a role which will soon be filled by our very own PRIP Bill Boyd.