Monday, May 30, 2011

Planning Ahead

Jenny in Central Park
Day 3 in New York and we are totally 'sky skrappered' out!  But a great day - having visited Central Park, viewed the modern Guggenheim art in the Gallery, got up close and personal with the Statue of Liberty and having cruised around Manhattan Island in temperatures of 30 degrees plus.  It has been all and more than we had planned for.  Indeed without planning, this trip would not have been half the enjoyable experience we had anticipated.  Working closely with David and Michelle - and with Jenny in the driver seat with all the detail (again) we have been able to put all our planning to good work - New York Passes for cheaper deals, economic accommodation and the ability to enjoy the experience.
Howard 'planning' in Central Park
Isn't this the same with what you are planning for your Club.  Presidents know to keep Presidents elect up to speed with their year so that succession planning can commence at an early stage.  Assistant Governors have arranged meetings with current and future Presidents in their Clusters so that there is a good handover from one year to another.  Lessons learned are identified and passed on as we all try to become more effective in our leadership.  And of course, we are all aiming to continue the focus given to us by President Ray of building communities and bridging continents through Club activities that are bigger, better and bolder.
So we have one more day here in New York.  We plan to go to Ground Zero tomorrow which will be a time to reflect on the focus our Foundation has on increasing world understanding and peace.  We will join up with David and Michele for one last dinner (breakfast will be at Dunkin' Donuts!!) and then we fly off to London.  Even closer to the hour Jenny and cuddle out grandson Ollie for the first time.  Well worth planning for!!