Saturday, June 4, 2011

"All I want is a room in Bloomsbury!"

Nana Jenny - need I say more!
Well - here we are in London - it has been hard to get near a good connection for blogging but tonight we are staying in Russell Square - after just having seen 'The 39 Steps' in the Criterion Theatre in Piccadilly Circus.
We decided we would come to London, see a show  (we have already seen Billy Elliot) and to stay the night.  But what a day.  We baby sat little Ollie in the morning - such proud grandparents we were strutting down the main street of Gidea Park near Romford.  Books were read, nappies were changed and faces were pulled - all in favour of entertaining and keeping little Ollie in good spirits.
But a room was a challenge in busy London - even finding a Hotel!!


It's the final countdown!!
I know that at times I have wondered that, if it is important for me, I do make room.  This last year has been a challenging one for me and Jenny.  But we have worked hard on balancing the demands of a full time job alongside what we have wanted to do with the District.  It has at times been exhausting, but BOY its been fun!

And if our involvement in Rotary is not enjoyable, we are missing a lot.  Ask your self - why am I still involved in Rotary.  Do I have room for it in my daily and weekly schedule?   For those active in projects, helping service others and working with other members of the club in creating opportunities to assist others here and overseas, there is no question - we do have room.  If you are questioning if there is room, then it may be that you are needing to become more involved in your Club.  Don't wait to be asked.  Don't expect to be asked to be involved.  Involve yourself in activities - find a project - suggest an international, young generations or vocational project.  Be active, be involved, be proactive.  Rotary is shifting its focus very deliberately onto involvement rather than attendance.
Don't you just hate holiday snaps!!! 
Outside British Museum.
Speaking of attendance , are you planning to be at Change Over?
Tomorrow we are back onto the streets of London.  Walking through Bloomsbury I was reminded if the song quoted in the subject of this post.  We found a room - and I am sure you will find room and others who have the room to serve in your Club - putting your time and opportunity to serve above your own needs.  After all, that is the essence of Rotary.  

PS  Good to hear David and Michele have safely arrived back home in NZ.