Thursday, June 23, 2011

Avenues of Service Citation

Past President Jim Greenhough was presented with the Wellington South club's inaugural 5 Avenues of Service citation. A new initiative, clubs may only present one of these citations per year, and Jim was chosen to be the first. Reading a glowing report on Jim's contributions to the club, Peter Denee described Jim as a peculiar Rotarian because he had worked in all five avenues of service - Vocational, Community, Club Services, International, and New Generation (youth) Jim was tickled pink to get the award, though he reckons there are plenty others who should have been picked first! Jim has been a member of Wellington South since 1996.
On their web site is an example of the Service Jim has provided.
Jim Greenhough immunises a child against Polio in the slums of Delhi. Jim and his wife Eileen along with President Francis and 29 other Kiwi Rotarians visited India as part of Rotary's on-going commitment to eradicate polio from the world. When the project began in 1985, 500 Indians were being infected with polio every day. Last year only 42 new cases of polio were reported for the whole country for the full 365 days. Polio Plus has been Rotary International's major project for many years.