Friday, June 24, 2011

PDG Tony - a message from New Orleans

Sheryl & PDG Tony Fryer,  Margaret Emerre & David King,
Margaret & PDG Morris Robertson
At International Convention:
Tony told his Club (Wellington North) about his experiences in New Orleans. Before the World Assembly he attended the RYLA Council meeting. RYLA is looking at the age range it caters for of 18 to 30 and the relationship to RYPEN. In practice courses are run for a more narrower range.
Assembly was held in the New Orleans Convention Centre which was also hosting the American Medical Association and at times there were 19,000 people in the building. Nevertheless Tony and Sheryl found another 78 New Zealanders in the crowd. Highlights mentioned by Tony included hearing President Elect Kalyan Banerjee speak. Tony rated him very highly. He takes the reins on 1 July. Also Bill Gates who said that his personal priority is to eliminate polio and stressed that we are within inches of that goal and must see it through once and for all. Tony also spoke of the entertainment provided and the fellowship, and how attending such a function is inspiring and invigorating for the coming year.

At District Changeover:
Cheryl Fryer received a Paul Harris Fellowship and Margaret Robertson received a sapphire pin to her PHF.