Friday, September 10, 2010

Waverley-Aotea - a small Club with a BIG heart!

AG Judith and President Dave
amongst the wood - a great project
President Dave hands over their
Rotary Foundation contribution
Our veue for the meeting
"The Woolshed"
Jenny and I have just arrived home from Waverley-Aotea's Club - a great night where they have their meeting in 'The Woolshed' - great food, excellent friendly bunch and receptive to the message of looking at new ways to be bolder in the
community.  They also handed over a cheque for $800 to The Rotary Foundation.  This is the third smallest Club in our District but one with heaps on and with big plans for the future.  On our way to the Club Jenny and I first visited some of the projects like 'Bushy Park' and the 'Mill Dam Park' before meeting up with President Dave and his team.  We dispensed with formalities - the DG Chain did not even get taken from the box and we sat around and discussed many topics minus the tie!!.  I, for once, sat still while I spoke.  From the nods and the attentiveness, the message seemed to be relevant and timely for a Club that has a lot going for it.  We were well supported by DGE Bob and wife Margaret along with AG Judith.  Thank you Waverley-Aotea.

The Mills Dam Park Project
Our meeting - friendly and

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