Thursday, September 9, 2010

Christchurch Earthquake - a further update

This morning I received a note from RIP Ray extending his sympathy to those affected and offering support through various RI quarters.  

DG Margaret of 9970 and Stuart Batty have met and formulated this response to the public:

To donate to the Rotary New Zealand Canterbury Earthquake Appeal:
  • Donate in person at any branch of Westpac across New Zealand.
  • Internet banking to Westpac 03 1702 0192208 02
  • Mail a cheque (made payable to RNZWCS Limited) to: Rotary Canterbury Earthquake Appeal, PO Box 20309, Christchurch 8543.
  • Pay by credit card through
  • Refer website for more details
Please include this in your Bulletins and web sites - this information will also appear on the NZ Herald website today.

Also I know a number of 9940 Clubs have donated already to RNSWCS and some are working with other organisations to ensure our neighbours are provided the necessary support.
I am sure this is gratefully received by those impacted by this disaster and our thoughts contnue to go out to them and the families who continue to suffer aftershocks as they try to return to some form of normality.

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