Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rotary on the Move - a must read!

This is an excellent resource for all Rotarians and Clubs to read and use in their creation of bigger, better and bolder Clubs.
Over 500 members of the Rotary family from all over Zone 8 gathered at the Hellenic
Club, Canberra, on August 21‐22, to discuss ways to make Rotary in Australia stronger.
This included Rotarians, partners, Rotaractors, Interactors, Alumni, and Youth Exchange
students, Zone, District, and Club leaders, and perhaps most important, the future
leaders of Rotary.

The Conference Objectives: “To look at ways we can make Rotary clubs stronger and
more effective, improve awareness of Rotary nationally and locally, and focus service
efforts to give the best outcomes to the communities we serve.”

The good news is that Rotary has a plan to achieve these objectives. This was clearly
presented, and discussed in the breakout sessions. The follow up is now in the hands of
Districts and Clubs.

Leading the list of impressive speakers was R.I. President Ray Klinginsmith, who
presented his plan to improve Rotary laced with cowboy logic.
“If it's a job, do it. Put your back into it.
'Cause a little bit of dirt's gonna wash off in the rain.
If it's a horse, ride it. If it hurts, hide it.
Dust yourself off and get back on again.”

“In the way he lives his life and the songs he sings” Ray had a message for us about how
to make Rotary stronger, that resonated well with Australians and New Zealanders. 

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