Monday, April 4, 2011

Fund Raising 101 – Fishing for Funds

The Rotary Martinborough Fair - a huge success each year
managed by the RC of South Wairarapa

DGE Bob writes:

This year at District Assembly 17 April at Palmerston North  we have a special session on fund raising.

Every year we hear Clubs say that they struggle to find the funds that they need to support their communities. There are Clubs and many other organizations which seem to raise money relatively easily – what is their secret? What do they do that others don’t?

Fundraising 101 – fishing for funds will explore strategies and approaches that could help your Club refresh its fundraising efforts and who knows – perhaps there is an idea amongst all of us that could spawn a major fundraising?

Come and share – I guarantee you will take away a new idea!

This session is a direct result of feedback received from last year's District Assembly and will certainly benefit those Clubs who attend.  How many are coming from your Club? (DG Howard)