Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A District in Action - adding value

Past AG John Granville
As I have been visiting the various Clubs I have made specific mention to the role of the District. I emphasise that those with District responsibilities must be adding real value to the Clubs – making your role as Rotarians that much more informed and rewarding. Those asked to pick up District roles are willing to serve and have the additional responsibility to visit Clubs, facilitate the various programmes and be available to provide advice. They also provide valuable support to the District Governor. 

How do you get involved with the District? 
PPBill Day (Foundation Fund
Raising Coordinator) and PPJudy Dearsley
(Coordinating the Garibaldi event on
31 October in Wellington)

You are either invited by the District Governor or District Chairs based on recommendations of others, or you can directly express an interest in various aspects of the District and put yourself forward to be considered for a District role.
It is both rewarding and also challenging. We have an excellent team this year, with some continuing and some coming in to replace others who are relinquishing their role. 

For example...

Russell Spencer, for instance, served the District well recently as Membership Chair. He delivered presentations at District training events such as PETS and LETS/ (District Assembly) as well as facilitating the Club Visioning programme. Russell is moving out of the District. A big thanks to Russell the excellent effort he gave to this District role. Noel Evans is passing over his role as District web master to AG Stuart Campbell. He is another Rotarian who has also given a substantial amount of support in setting up and maintaining our district web site. And there are many others.

We all willingly put service above self – and we are grateful for all those serving in the District this year and for those who have served in the past.

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