Friday, October 1, 2010

A poet in hiding - PDG Eric

Tonight we welcome our D. G.
Howard Tong, from Wellington I see,
His Rotary Club is Port Nick.,
A breakfast club, you must be quick

PDG Eric
No beer or wine, there’s none about
You talk too long, they all walk out!

Howard’s  life’s been full of fun,
A primary teacher on the run,
Was followed by a recruitment time,
Getting other teachers on the line,
But I. T. Beckoned, he was caught
Computers were his first resort.
Managing projects and systems plans
Technology tested this young man.
It’s Bluetooth, blackberry, and C.D. Rom,
PDG Ross
‘cause now he works for Datacom.

Theatre is another joy,
He’s been on the stage since he was a boy,
Directing, managing, roles abound,
No one’s safe when he’s around.
He sings and dances, clowns about,
Usually in tune, but sometimes out!!

Jenny is his better half
Knows when to frown and when to laugh
a practice nurse, but now  I. T.
They both share technology.
So give a welcome friendly and true
As I ask Howard to speak to you    

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