Monday, November 22, 2010

Change is a good thing!

John F Kennedy once said:
"Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future."

Having just returned from a week at Institute the message is clear.  If we are to invigorate and revitalise our organisation we must change!
And it starts with your Club.
RI Director Stuart Heal has echoed RIP Ray's challenge for Clubs to review current practices in order to make Rotary more relevant and attractive to prospective members.

Change our approach to our meetings.
  • Some current members are concerned about the cost of attending meetings.  Why not review the need for all having to share a meal?
  • Why not have a light meal - or suggest the option of not having the meal?
  • What about a Supper Club with members arriving to meet after their meal?
  • E Clubs are now being considered.  Why not investigate this option?
  • What are the other options to consider?
  • Are there features in our meetings that are out dated and not reflecting a dynamic service organisation?
Change our approach to membership.
  • Let's consider the option of starting a new Club, with a new location and a new format rather than trying to attract new, younger members to your current meeting?  
  • Have we considered forming a satellite Club which is linked to your Club?
  • Are we promoting to prospective young members the real benefits of mentoring and networking with experienced business people?  
  • Are we focusing on the benefits of Vocational diversity in our members?
Change our image.
  • Have you considered ways to change your Club's image in the community?
  • Is your meeting place the right one to convey the place where an innovative, progressive service organisation meets?
  • Can a Club Visioning exercise provide ideas from your members?
We must adapt and change to have a future - as an international organisation we have much more to give to the world.

As Stephen Covey says:
"If we keep doing what we're doing, we're going to keep getting what we're getting."