Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Xaver and Ollie - ready to start!

Xaver and Ollie writes:

We have been on the phone whenever we could over the last few weeks getting in contact with as many Rotary Clubs as we could. We have spoken directly with the presidents of 65 clubs and visited 17 clubs in the Wellington region. Unfortunately we didn't have time to speak with all clubs as we had hoped and we could only focus on those directly on our route to maximise the contact we will have with Rotarians and local community and media. Many people we spoke to saw the potential in our trip and how it can complement their own club's efforts for polio eradication and have organised media coverage, fundraising BBQs, street collections, cycling support and much more.

As we prepare to leave for Northland in the morning it is clear to us that we cannot reach everyone in the country, especially those off the route. We need the involvement of all the clubs in the country, and in particular of having each club buy their 13.4km section of the route. Because the media are already gaining wind of this event, the more Rotarians that are behind this cause the better. We want to put polio in the minds of as many people as we can because as Melinda Gates said in her Ted Talk recently, the biggest obstacle we face is that people think polio is old news. It isn't old news for many people in Nigeria, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, but it could be. We are this close.

We encourage all Clubs to join our cause, help us build momentum and help us piece our route together. Rotorua, Stratford and Porirua Sundown are great examples of clubs not on the route who are really getting behind this. They help to give this project national weight, which is what it needs if we are going to make the most of this opportunity.

If anyone needs information about our Journey of Hope - Cycling NZ for PolioPlus, our website is updated regularly (www.polio.org.nz) and we are more than happy to answer questions via this email or phone (021 293 8480).

We are really looking forward to our big ride and to what we can achieve in conjunction with Rotary's continued support and involvement.

Yours in service,
Xaver and Ollie