Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mt Victoria proves innovative!

DG Howard, Jenny, President Ian and AG Brenda

Well, I thought by the time we arrived at our 59th visit we would have experienced everything we could experience.  But how wrong could I have been. 

Gloved up!
We arrived at The Ronald MacDonald House where we met with the leadership team - although there was a little wait as the key was returned from Johnsonville.  It is a brief but valuable session addressing challenges of membership and profile in the community.  We then left and had a brief tour of the premises and was then given a quick summary of what service is provided to families and the challenges faced with raising the funds ti rebuild the facility situated opposite the Wellington Hospital.  Mt Victoria Club has a good relationship with Ronald MacDonald House, with their annual sunflower project contributes towards this charity which provides home-styled accommodation for parents beyond a 100 km distance from the hospital.
Following a brief ride, we arrived at the local MacDonalds by the Basin Reserve (where I was as an 'extra' on Sunday).  Before sitting down to a meal, I was ushered behind the countered, and complete with apron and gloves, was shown how to assemble an Angus Burger
Who is prepared to eat my 'creation'

Before leaving, Jenny was given two wonderful sunflowers and we promised to return later this month in their normal venue - the Wellesley Hotel.  This certainly was an experience we will remember for a while with our friends at Mt Vic.

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