Friday, February 25, 2011

A great kick-off for Project Day

An email report:

For those who participated in this morning’s Rotary collection at the Railway Station and surrounding areas you will be pleased to know that the amount raised appears to have exceeded our expectations.  We dropped the buckets off at the BNZ North End branch as the Rotary Club of Wellington has its account there.  At lunch time, they were still counting and had to stop at $8,000 because of customer demand.  More buckets were brought in shortly after 2pm because of the money raised at Midland Park with the ‘shelter boxes’.
Spot the Shelter Box

The BNZ will advise when they have completed their counting which hopefully will be by close of business tonight or first thing Monday morning.  I suspect it will be in excess of $10,000 maybe more.

My response:
DG Howard - are your ACTIONS helping?
This is an absolutely brilliant result and you are all to be commended for your commitment and your smiles.
The people off the trains looked in most part impressed with the number of collectors and there were some showing genuine interest in the ERK and the Shelter Box.  The rest were focused on getting to work and had that typical expression you see on many commuter's faces.

Congratulations once again - you have done Rotary proud!!

Thanks to Warren for his inspirational idea of erecting the tents and for the support of those helping him at Midland Park.
Thanks to Dave for the ERK display.
Thanks to James for your facilitation.
Thanks to Harbour City for your coordination.
Thanks to everybody for your stunning service for those in Christchurch.....

What a way to kick off the Project Day!