Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Press Release - Rotary's response to Christchurch's Quake

Rotarians send money and offer homes to earthquake victims
Within hours of the devastating earthquake hitting Canterbury members of the world wide service club Rotary International have responded with donations of services and money.

Some of the first offers of help came from Japan and from the flood ravaged areas of Queensland.

Within New Zealand Rotarians are offering to host people traumatized by personal tragedies, the destruction and ongoing aftershocks so that they can get away to rest before trying to rebuild their shattered lives. That is being coordinated within Rotary and through welfare agencies.

Margaret Reeves, District Governor for Rotary in Canterbury, says the continuing aftershocks are frightening and people are naturally concerned for their loved ones. She says 100% of money donated through Rotary will be channelled into the areas of greatest need now and over coming months.

Please make donations to the Rotary New Zealand Canterbury Earthquake Appeal via
·         Rotary New Zealand World Community Service, where there is a PayPal credit card facility
·         or internet banking to Westpac 03 1702 0192208 02 ( international donors will require Swift Code WPACNZ2W) 
·         or by cheque made payable to RNZWCS Limited posted to PO Box 20309, Christchurch, New Zealand 8543

For more information please contact:
Felicity Anderson
RI Public Image Resource Group Zone 7B regional coodinator
Tel: +64 9 307 2213 wk
Cell: +64 21 22 40 520