Monday, February 14, 2011

Rotary - a concept or a passion?

While sitting in the audience of the 2010 International Assembly in San Diego, California, USA, professional speaker and songwriter Jerry Mills was awestruck by the message and multimedia presentation of 2010-11 RI President Ray Klinginsmith's theme address.
"It was a transcendent experience," says Mills, who was attending the event with Kristin Duckart, then governor-elect of District 6250 (parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin). "It was the first time I truly got what Rotary is about. I spent the rest of the week getting to know amazing people from all around the world. They struck me as the most caring, passionate, and compassionate people I had ever encountered.
"Up to that point, Rotary had been a concept. After that, it became a passion."


Come Join Us-EN from Rotary International on Vimeo.