Thursday, April 21, 2011

Christchurch Update - DG Margaret

From DG Margaret Reeve - District 9970 - Canterbury, New Zealand.
Each day we are receiving warm wishes and thoughtful suggestions from our many friends in New Zealand and overseas – truly Building Communities and Bridging Continents. I know that DGE David and his team would also be saying that there is much evidence of ­"Reaching Within to Embrace Humanity".
At District Conference DG Margaret
accepted the $17,000 collected from
the public in District 9940 towards the
Christchurch Earthquake Appeal

The Christchurch Rotary Earthquake Fund has now grown to $1million with the money identified for immediate distribution being allocated.  There has been some concern expressed that the fund will not be allocated in a reasonable timeframe. Please be assured that the trustees will ensure that all monies received will be allocated for families and communities affected by the earthquake.

The information we now have about the distribution of larger funds for  this purpose (Red Cross: emergency hardship grants;Christchurch Appeal: grants will focus on restoring community infrastructure not covered by the Government, including sports fields and places of worship; Salvation Army:Food packages, financial hardship grants) reassure us that the plans in District 9970 to provide longer term support for recovery activities in our communities is appropriate.

Shoe Boxes of Love
Shoe Boxes of Love are ‘feel good’ gifts that will be given to people in Christchurch to lift their spirits, to connect to fellow New Zealanders, and to let them know that we care. Full details are set out at
34 MP’s offices (including Prime Minister John Key’s) and hearing experts Bay Audiology clinics are acting as collection points.
Rotary clubs have been asked to assist in the collection process.

Please can we have the help and organisational skills of all Districts in New Zealand to collect these shoeboxes from the collection points before they are transported to Christchurch? Keep in touch with plans for this loving project.  
Attached:  Collection points


1. Join the Facebook group

2. Invite family and friends to join the Facebook group and forward the details to your networks

3. Follow through on your offer by creating a Shoe Box of Love (or two, or more!) and get them to your nearest Drop Off Point 
If you’re unable to arrange a Shoe Box of Love we strongly encourage you to donate what you can to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal.

Who will distribute the Shoe Boxes of Love once they reach Christchurch?

We are very grateful to the Rotary team in Christchurch who have agreed to store and distribute our Shoe Boxes of Love.  In conjunction with other organisations who are assisting the people of Christchurch, they have set up a  very large distribution centre, from which a variety of supplies will be distributed to those in need.

Thank you to the Canterbury Rotarians, for helping us with our logistics and for being such a huge support to the people of Christchurch.