Monday, May 16, 2011

Rotary Club of Pencarrow Blood Pressure Day at Eastbourne

What a great turnout we had for Blood Pressure Awareness day last Saturday at the 4 Square here in Eastbourne.

Pencarrow Rotarian and project champion Janet Davidson counted 74 Free tests between 10am and 2pm and there was only one gap of a few minutes when the testing seat was vacant all day. Other members took it in shifts to hand out fliers and stickers and ask for the public to take the Stroke Foundation survey.

Our St John's tester on the day, Keith McKenzie, (who we nearly had to wheel out in a trolly following the long ordeal!) didn't even have time for a coffee or a sandwich as local after local took up the offer.

A great project and top opportunity to offer something positive to locals and fly the Rotary flag.