Friday, June 17, 2011

Emergency Response Kits Update

Dear District 9940 Rotary Club Presidents,

“Our primary aim in the District is to meet Pacific disaster responses through ERK’s. Your Club will need to decide how you balance your giving to ERK’s & Shelter Boxes, but clearly our priority over the year should be ERK’s DG Howard Tong - August 24, 2010

THANKYOU - to the 27 Rotary & 2 Inner Wheel Club’s, & also individual Rotarians from our District of 60 Club’s who have already contributed this Rotary Year to date to help rebuild our National Stock of ERK’s needed to help our Pacific Neighbours in NZ District’s 9910 & 9920 in times of disaster which is sincerely appreciated.

GREAT NEWS  - We still currently lead all other New Zealand Rotary Districts  in our donations to ERK’s. This Rotary Year to date our Dist 9940 has contributed $45,064  to help purchase some 75 Emergency Response Kits.

STOP PRESS – Congratulations & WELL DONE to the Rotary Club of Terrace End who lead our Dist 9940 in their ERK Donations this Rotary Year - $12,000 or 20 ERK’s!!!

“Actions Count”
Club’s who have not yet contributed or those who wish to make further contributions to ERK’s this Rotary Year now only have 2 week’s to make their  “Actions Count”

Please continue to send your donations -
New filled plastic ERK’s cost $600 each and Cheques for Payment or Donations should
be marked “Not Transferable” made out to“RNZWCS Ltd (Dist 9940 ERK)”and sent to
me as noted in page 88 of our Rotary Dist 9940 2010/2011 Directory.

President Doug (Hawera) presents another cheque to
Dave Wilson in his recent visit.  Dave has visited 50
of the 60 Clubs in 9940 this year and received out
standing results.
We CAN make a real difference -“Building Communities Bridging Continents.” 
which is the ERK page on our Dist 9940 Web Site. Or contact me direct for any further ERK assistance - or to book a mutually convenient  time for me to make a short ERK presentation to your Club if you are one of the 10 Club’s who haven’t already done so.