Sunday, June 5, 2011

Regent Street

Now where's Jenny?
Jenny and I spent this morning shopping in Regent Street - oh no, says all the guys!

Well, it is not everyday you can do this and perhaps this is just as well!

Then on the train back to meet up with Jenny's son Dan and Cat to help out with some baby sitting. As you can see, cricket in the background, going through emails and often being pleasantly distracted by a very active young Ollie.

Baby sitting?

I know from the activities and the actions of all my Presidents that there has been very little 'baby sitting' of Clubs this year. All have been encouraged to question current practices, to initiate new programmes and to be innovative in their marketing.
I am busy baby sitting

I am so very proud of the leadership provided by my team this year. Come to District Changeover at Wanganui on 19 June to celebrate and to welcome DGE Bob and Margret into the District Governor role.