Monday, June 13, 2011

Rotary Club of Wellington turns 90!

Governor General Sir Anand recieving his Sapphire
Pin from President Colleen Singleton
Rotary Club of Wellington Celebrates its 90th Birthday

DGE Graeme Blick reports:

Sir John Todd assisting Lady Susan cutting the cake
On 2nd June Christine and I were honoured to be guests of the Rotary Club of Wellington at Government House, at a dinner hosted by Their Excellencies The Governor-General of New Zealand Sir Anand and Lady Susan Satyan and to celebrate their 90th Birthday.  This was wonderful evening and a true credit to the Rotary Club of Wellington.  We were treated to wonderful music from Tim Beveridge throughout the evening.  To also celebrate achievements Paul Harris Fellowships were awarded to Sir
Tim Beveridge entertains
Anand and Lady Susan, Ken Fink-Jensen, Kerry Prendergast and Francis Wevers.  The evening was concluded
by a ceremonial cutting of the cake by John Todd (the club's longest serving member) and Lady Susan Satyanand.

Our thanks for including us in this very special occasion.

Well done Colleen and The Rotary Club of Wellington.

DGE Graeme Blick