Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Stage is set!

Tables are set for 200+
We have just returned from the Wanganui Race Course where the change over is to take place tomorrow.
All is looking great - tables are set, the stage is in place and the flowers look terrific.
Bob and Margaret are kindly looking after us in their home this evening.  We are about to go out for a meal with a small group before we have an early night.
Shirley McDouall, President Sharon and Immediate Past
President Denis McGowan
Changeover.  Around the world all 530+ Districts will be having the same occasion.  The opportunity for a review of the year that has passed and an opportunity to look forward to the new year in Rotary.  It is also an opportunity to present awards and recognise achievements in our District - whether it be Club related (membership, bulletins, giving to the Foundation) or service related recognising the wonderful work Rotarians do in the community.

The stage is set!!
I am proud of the fact that 9940 is a District with such focus and energy.  Clubs have such a wonderful track record of projects that benefit young and old, local and international, able and not so able.  If you are reading this an wish to become a member of Rotary in your area, do send me a note (email) and I can advise.
So come 1 July Bob Smith will be the new District Governor of 9940 and we all look forward to his leadership as we 'Reach Within to Embrace Humanity'.