Saturday, September 11, 2010

District Projects - a survey

We are all busy with our own cluster and club projects. From my visits I cannot fail to be impressed with both the variety and the effectiveness of these activities. I am keen to support an exercise that Kevin (as District Projects Chair) is about to kick off and I trust that all of you will support it with your input. Together we can further build communities and bridge continents by sharing our collective knowledge.

Clubs will be asked to list their projects so we end up with a database which will be of real value.  Kevin sees the benefits as follows:
  • Clubs will know where to go for advice if they are aware of other clubs that have done similar projects (they will not need to reinvent the wheel).
  • We can get an overview of all project activity within the district.
  • We can get an idea of how well clusters work together.
  • The survey will allow AGs to find out more about the various project activities within their clusters.The survey may give us an indication of any opportunities that could exist for specific projects within the district.
  • District Convenors will get some idea of how many clubs in the District are involved in their field of interest.
  • The results will give us a good District record for future reference
Thanks in advance for your support. 

Also remember - District Project Day is on 26 February 2011.

This is interesting reading!!

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