Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Western Hutt - a positve approach

Incoming President Peter shakes the hand of
outgoing President Ian

What a fun night!  Going to Changeovers is a lot of fun.  The friends we meet, the laughs we have and the messages we hear - all good stuff.  And Western Hutt was no exception.
Tonight we enjoyed great company, great food and a really positive changeover.
Here is a Club of 20 members.  They have, through the report given by outgoing President Ian, been involved in many various projects and also worked with other local Clubs.  The incoming President Peter Chaney received the chain of office and then proceeded to map out his goals.
Jenny has become an expert in drawing raffles!!
I always believe a Club with a set of large goals will make better progress.  In this case Peter aims to attract and induct at one time a group of at least 6 members between the age of 40 and 50.  He is revamping the members meetings.  He is having a real focus on International projects supported by Youth and Membership activities.  The members were receptive to his ideas - in fact he has been telling them for sometime now that they must accept the need to change.  They realise that they need to change or close down - and for the members that is not an option.  PK who is their current bulletin editor has also accepted the challenge that there is the opportunity to bring many from the Indian Community into the Club - especially as there is a passionate Indian (RIP Kalyan Banerjee) who will be leading Rotary across all nations in the coming Rotary year.
A great night and a real positive approach!!  Well done Western Hutt and a great sergeant session.