Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Actions Count in Masterton South

Masterton and Rotary - what a great partnership.  Tonight Jenny and I visited Masterton South Club.  We were immediately put into cars and went to various places where Rotary has made a mark in the town.  Playgrounds, mini putt, Millennium Park, swimming lanes in the local aquatic centre, a chapel at the local hospital, a round-a-bout display of banners with the Rotary Wheel fluttering in the breeze, plus, plus - and perhaps also mention Jenny came back after purchasing a gorgeous mohair 'throw'.  A great meeting with the usual buzz, activity and even a brief session on the 6 areas of focus for Global Foundation Grants!!!  A Club that endorses that we certainly are involved in what we do best - 'building communities'.  It is obvious that Masterton South members, under the leadership of President Debbie, are making their Actions Count!  And to top it off, they welcomed a new member into the Club - local School Principal Rob Cameron [Pictured: the sergeant threw out not only some curly questions, but also some chocolate bars to those who answered correctly; Presidnet Debbie sorting out a necessary paper work before the meeting]

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