Thursday, September 2, 2010

2,076 kg's of joy heading our way!

Joy Durrant - Literacy Coordinator for District 9940 writes another update:

"We have had a great response to the first call for orders from around the District for Usborne Dictionaries, in support of enhancing literacy. Just over one third of Clubs from the District have ordered Dictionaries for their local schools. We expect the first delivery into the District from early October.

In short:
  • 21 Clubs have placed orders for Dictionaries in this first September round
  • A total of 2076 Dictionaries have been ordered – that means up to 2076 school pupils will benefit from the program and receive their own personal Dictionary
  • This equates to 346 cartons of Dictionaries into our District
As well, a number of Clubs have ordered Dictionaries on a ‘first-time’ basis in order to assess their suitability for wider use in their own communities. This is great, because I am sure they will love them and order more for the future!! In addition, one Rotary Club has ordered more than 300 Dictionaries, with the support of local businesses, to assist many schools and pupils in their community.

What a great effort!! Well done to all.

We look forward to sharing local success stories amongst all of us. Thank you.


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