Monday, September 6, 2010

Wanganui - an old Club with a new vision

President Sharon and I spot Jenny
with camera at the ready
What another great visit.  Following a very quick meeting with the Board we had a very full lunch-time meeting with the Rotary Club of Wanganui.  A Club chartered in 1924, Wanganui has a fine history.  President Sharon reported on the fact that a recent Club Visioning exercise has left the Club with some exciting future prospects.  A revitalisation of the Club's programme has the Club looking at new ways to serve the community.  Here is a Club with the highest number of Centurion members (18) and with a very generous spirit.  When I was having lunch a member came up, having heard about the Personal Emergency Pack, and order 16 straight off!  It was great to have not only PDG Duncan McKee and PDG Stuart Frame in the meeting, but also DGE Bob and Margaret - in fact this is Bob's Club and I am sure they will be as supportive in his year as my Club is being with me and Jenny. It was so good to get a photo with PDG Stuart who told me he has just recoved from a knee operation and is ready to get back out on the golf course!!
PDG Stuart Frame holding
the Taupiripiri
President Sharon Duff
AG Judith meet up with us for the second time today and her support is appreciated.  Following the meeting three of the four mayoral candidates for Wanganui spoke.  I am sure they heard the message loud and clear that Rotary is actively and passionately involved in building Wanganui's community.  
The rain continued to fall outside as we rushed to the car.  We now have completed 30 out of the 60 Club visits - and loving every minute of it.  

1 comment:

  1. To Howard and Jenny -
    Your visit was really appreciated. It was a was great opportunity for profiling Rotary and the clubs in Wanganui. Everyone had a really enjoyable and informative morning.
    Thank you for taking the time to come and visit.
    All the best for the rest of your visits,
    Cheers Sharon
