Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Inglewood - lights, cameras, ACTION!!

Enjoying a little Scottish banter with Club Member Moray
After a 15 minute drive from Stratford where Jenny and I are staying, we arrived in Inglewood.  We spent time with the Board and I was impressed by the variety of their projects which included the 16th year of the Classic Car Show to a the new Sunflower Seed to Showtime project.  From Toys for Tonga to Dictionaries for local schools.  From donations to Interplast to contributions to the Canterbury Earthquake Appeal.   This is a Club with lots of activity.   And they also receive and give support to their Cluster Clubs under the guidance of AG Ian.  We reviewed our approach to membership and I encouraged them to continue to build their programme, their member's knowledge of Rotary programmes and the fun of their meetings.  President Brian then escorted Jenny and I off to the local theatre where we viewed back stage and stood on the set of the upcoming production.  Here was the passion of a Rotarian busy in the cultural life of the community.  After a brief ride we arrived at the Club rooms to be met with jovial members manning the bar and welcoming us to their meeting.  As members arrived so did the laughter and conversation.  We remembered the recent passing of Harvey Wellington, we supported Alex Matheson for his possible re-election as Deputy Mayor and we congratulated Mary Stanley for her future time in Bangkok as a District Peace and Conflict Resolution Scholar.  Ross Elmes gave his 3 minute thought on the media - his point of view was well received.  And after my session where I encouraged members to take a fresh approach to marketing their service we said goodbye till next time.  Here is a Club who has just celebrated their first 50 years and a moving forward confidently to their next 50 years.  Well done Inglewood - may all your Sunflowers be bigger, better and bolder ones!

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