Wednesday, November 10, 2010

And so the visits end - Port Nicholson is #60

Andy, John and Rob
What a journey!!
After visiting 60 Clubs, Jenny and I can truly say we have been so privileged to be welcomed to each in such special ways.  We have loved our time with each Club and this morning we woke early to attend my home Club.
A great gesture
I was nervous.  Why?  Well, my friends since I joined Rotary back in 1989 were there.  My other friends I have made during the years were there.  My wonderful support team of Chris (District Liaison), Bob (Conference), Jan (Chronicle Editor), John (PR Chair), Jean (Membership Chair), AG Brenda were there.  My fellow Rotarians including the new members and prospective members were there......  and I was the guest speaker thinking "keep it the same as you did for the other Clubs - that is what they would want to hear...."

And so after a lovely breakfast, with Jenny at my side and with President Mark leading a good meeting, and Ian running a sergeant session where he worked hard to extract a large sum for The Rotary Foundation, it was my turn to speak.

DG Howard & President Mark
The same message of getting back to the basics in Rotary, appreciating the value of our organisation, building bigger, better and bolder Clubs and making sure we make our actions count through our positive and confident approach to the way we serve others in our community.  With the Taupiripiri in full view I spoke about the visits we have had to large and small Clubs, some very strong and others not so strong - but all containing passionate, dedicated and inspirational rotarians.  

Family time with Jamie, Aaron, Nicci and Miriam
It was with some surprise that a cake was unveiled which we accepted and took home to share with our family - it seemed most fitting.
And so a big thank you to you all in 9940 - we look forward to continuing to serve you for the remainder of the Rotary year.  This week has also marked the beginning of PEPS training for the incoming Presidents and I wish DGE Bob and Margaret all the best as they commence their journey.

We are indeed privileged.

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