Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"End of North Island leg" shindig!!

Xaver Hausner and Ollie Macindoe
Pencarrow Rotary Club is going to hold an 'end of leg' welcome party with buffet meal for the riders, members as well as hopefully 60-70 rotarians and supporters from the Hutt and Wellington Clubs.
I would ask those members interested in attending this event to contact President John Stevenson. It will be one of the last chances for many to catch up with Xaver as he leaves NZ to go back to Germany just a few days after completing the ride. 
  • 6.30pm for 7pm, Monday 20th December
  • The Beach Cafe & Restaurant outside courtyard
  • 16 Rimu Street Eastbourne

Buffet will cost $25 per head with profit after cost going to Polio. Also hoping to auction a few items to raise some extra funds.  Derek Locke is co-ordinating meeting the boys further up near Rimutakas with a crew and they will ride the boys into LBYC where another group will hook up with them and ride into Eastbourne. Obviously exact timing is unknown at this stage.