Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Rotary Foundation Month

Ngaire Best - Tawa's Rotary Foundation Director writes (view whole Bulletin here...):

Having moved through week 2 of the Rotary Foundation Month this year, I thought (as Rotary Foundation Director) it appropriate to write a few words for the Tabloid. You will have noted that the programme for the month has elements of Rotary Foundation woven throughout, with a finale of an Indian night not to be missed on the 30th.
Having heard from John Cole in week 1 recounting the overarching role and purpose of Rotary Foundation, I thought it was great to have Xavier who is currently experiencing just part of what Rotary Foundation has offered. His story really moved me and I would guess many of you.
I would really like the club to dig deep to support this extra ordinary ambassadorial scholar who is really going the extra mile to support Rotary Foundation, in particular PolioPlus which is one of the flagship benefactors of Rotary Foundation. He put out a challenge to us all, to support his cycling journey from Cape Reinga to the Bluff to raise funds to eradicate Polio from the face of the earth.
He and his flat mate begin their trip in a couple of weeks cycling 3350km over about 50 days. What they have done is divide their trip into 250 sections, which equates to a section per Rotary Club in New Zealand and are now selling each section for a minimum of $13.40 which is the equivalent of 1km = $1.
My challenge to you all, is to either donate $1 for 1km of his journey (if we get in quickly) from Petone to Civic square or commit to ride at least 1km of the 13.4km from Central Petone to Civic Square.
All proceeds will be donated to Rotary International’s PolioPlus campaign to support the goal of raising 200 million USD by the end of 2012.  To make a personal contribution, or for more information on Xavier’s trip check out here ...