Friday, November 12, 2010

Future Vision District Grants

Good news.  We have just sent out cheques to those Clubs who successfully applied for a District Grant under the new Future Vision Plan.  This is a tangible way the contributions we make to The Rotary Foundation are able to be used by our District.  On 31 July Clubs submitted their applications and 12 of those Clubs have been successful in obtaining between them $29,497 of Foundation District Grant  funding.

Congratulations as we continue with this pilot and work to do 'good in the world'.

How appropriate that this is able to be distributed in Rotary Foundation Month.
Thanks to PDG Tony Fryer and Brian Greaves for theirwork in facilitating this in the District.

Here is the list of those Clubs receiving District Grants and their particular projects:

Harbour City Wellington
Health: General
Fund participants to attend the Baby Programme for at risk parents - designed to enhance the relationship between mother & baby.
Health: General
Purchase eight "Softform Premier Mattresses" to ease & support elderly patients in palliative care
Wanganui North
Health: Medical Equipment
The purchase of a simulator to train for infant resuscitation
Health: Medical Equipment
Support Wellington Free Ambulance by buying defibrillators that can be stationed in public buildings (libraries, swimming pools etc) and commercial premises, shopping malls etc around the central Wellington area so that the public can access them whenever needed
Port Nicholson
Education: General
To provide Electronic Smart Boards and projectors for assisting leaning at Miramar South School.
Health: General
Extend the Healthy Heroes programme now operating at South End School, Carterton, to St Marys School and Carterton School.
Water: Supply/Access
Niusawa High School, Taveuni Island, Fiji, Water collection system Install two large water tanks (10,000 litres each) and associated plumbing to provide a year round clean water supply
Health: Medical Equipment
Fund the purchase of Portable Defibrillators to be readily available for Rotary and other services clubs organising outing (especially for elderly citizens ) involving travel to places in rural areas
Pukekura Breakfast, Tar.
Health: General
Strengthening the operation of the Tonga National Centre for Women & Children by providing urgent training & capacity building of current staff to provide counselling to victims of domestic and other related violence in Tonga.
Wellington South
Education: Literacy
Collect a container load of quality new and used school books, school stationery and educational toys to be shipped up to Tonga for distribution to needy children.
Eastern Hutt
Water: Supply/Access
The construction of two check dams in the village of Shyamaghat, Province of Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India. The construction of the two check dams will ensure that drinking water and water for health and sanitation purposes is available throughout the year.
New Plymouth
Health: Medical Equipment
Purchase Bladder Scanner for Ward 1 of Taranaki Base Hospital. At present there are only 2 Bladder Scanners shared amongst all wards in the hospital, and these are used for primarily for patients who have suffer strokes.
Education: Literacy
Provide dictionaries to all year 4 students at the 5 primary schools in our club territory. This year there are 84 children in this year group.
Courtenay Place
Health: General
Repairs to Stanton ward, Evangeline Booth Hospital,Ahmednagar, Maharasthra, INDIA. The Stanton ward was built in memory of a New Zealand Doctor who was appointed to this hospital and died within a year of serving there.

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