Sunday, November 21, 2010

A good night was had by all!

Exceeded expectations
The Great Celebrity Debate, mooting that “Otaki is the Centre of the Universe” was held on Saturday 13th November, with a ‘narrow’ victory to the Affirmative team Darrin Hughes MP, Ashok Parbhu, ex Otaki College head boy and Royal Society scientist, and Penny Gaylor, Otaki ward Councilor, who postulated, entertained, and occasionally put forward facts to substantiate that Otaki is indeed the Centre of the Universe.
The Negative team of Nathan Guy MP, Doug Neilson, ex Otaki College, and present Taranaki rugby Statistician, and local Realtor Grant Robertson tried valiantly to persuade otherwise, but the crowd of 180/200 would not have it!

What a team!
Chairman for the night Nigel Hopkins masterfully prodded and poked fun at all comers, kept the interjectors seemly, and kept the night moving along. Adjudicator Chris Turver also managed to poke a bit of fun, to round out a good night enjoyed by all.
Spirited bidding saw a Chainsaw donated by Mower and Engineering services reach full price, while an original painting sold to a Manakau patron who was waving to a friend! All in the spirit of things.

The Evening was organized by Otaki Rotary Club to raise funds for Ronald McDonald house, more specifically the Horowhenua room that serves local families in need. It is anticipated that in excess of $4000 was raised. A big thank you from Otaki Rotary to all sponsors, supporters, and workers.   

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