Friday, February 4, 2011

Our Foundation Alumni

Work is underway to create two very special evenings in June.

The Governor's Dinner

PP Doug Day (Pencarrow) is working on coordinating these two events:

  • 18 June in Wanganui
  • 24 June in Wellington

These events will celebrate the involvement of those thousands of New Zealanders who have been involved in any of our programmes.
IYE Student and parents with Rotarians
Can you imagine those who we have had involved in:
Dr Swee Tan - Honorary Rotarian and PHF
  • RYLA
  • International Youth Exchange
  • A-NZ Matched Student Exchange
  • Group Study Exchange teams
  • Ambassadorial Scholars
  • Peace Scholars
  • Vocational Awardees
  • Other Rotary events - too many to mention
You can help by providing names and contacts to Doug and his team.
The evening will invite them along with Rotarians to an event with a special guest speaker to celebrate what Rotary is doing in our community.  More details to follow.

Rotary has a wonderful newsletter which is doing exactly that - well worth a read....