Friday, February 4, 2011

Future Rotary leaders - don't miss out!

Saturday 12 Feb 
Rotary Leadership Institute
Calling all clubs in the lower half of the District
to sponsor a member (or two) to attend
(to cover the cost of the day)

Those attending will leave with:
  • more knowledge about our great organisation
  • new ideas and enthusiasm to take back to their Club
  • a keenness to learn more
  • wanting to encourage others to attend the next session
 More details here ....
Also search this BLOG for other RLI posts
Don't miss this opportunity.
Saturday 12 February

PDG Graham Douglass writes: "I have received nominations from the Rotary Clubs of Carterton, Eastern Hutt, Porirua Sundown and Stokes Valley. These Clubs will provide a total of 8 registrants, so there is plenty of room for other registrations. We can take up to 20 registrations."