Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A visit with family

Presidents comtemplating the enormity of the task
Last weekend was to have been the 9970 District Conference.  It was cancelled one week prior to the 22 Feb earthquake for a number of reasons - one principal one being that many possible delegates were preferring to stay out of Christchurch and to be with family.
DG Margaret and Brian welcomed us into their home
Jenny and I accepted the offer by DG Margaret and husband Brian to travel down anyway.  This gave us an opportunity to support and also to meet up with our extended Rotary family as there was a meeting of local Presidents to focus on a way forward.
The damage is everywhere - this is at Diamond Harbour
Our thoughts are with you Christchurch.  The Celebrity Cricket match in Wellington was still going as we walked into our apartment - again reminding us all that the support of New Zealanders' is evident.  Indeed, today I attended the RC of Wellington meeting where PDG Ross Skinner spoke to the Club and emphasised the need for us to all not only to have 'connections' but also to be 'connected' in times of disaster.  Remember, the option of adopting a Club in Christchurch is a great idea ensuring the Clubs continue to function and the service they provide to the community is maintained.