Friday, April 8, 2011

Wine for the service of others!

Click image for the order form
Martinborough House Vineyard is a private boutique vineyard in Martinborough. It is owned by Simon Manning (Rotary Club of Hutt City Inc) and Brad McAneney (Rotary Club of Wellington North Inc).
We are wishing to offer 120 cases of 2010 Martinborough House Sauvignon Blanc to assist Rotary Clubs in our region. 50% funds raised from the sale of this wine will go to local club projects and 50% to The Rotary Foundation.
The wine is to be offered at $170.00 per dozen, and must be purchased by the carton (12 Bottles).  Cheques should be made payable to your Rotary Club. Your Rotary Club will be responsible to pass half of the proceeds to the Rotary Foundation.
Your support of this offer is very much appreciated and will mean that $10,200.00 will be raised for local community projects as well as $10,200.00 for the Rotary Foundation.
This is the project of two very generous Rotarians who are supporting the Rotary Foundation and the Community - I would encourage you all to support this wonderful initiative [DG Howard]