Saturday, May 14, 2011

Conference Books - Update


I am sure Howard won’t mind if I post on his blog!!

I have had a few inquires as to where the book donations have gone.

Andrew Milne President of the recently chartered Taupo Expresso – reports as below

 PAFT – Left Alanna Finnie Rotary Taupo Expresso & Marilyn Collins Dawson (PAFT)

Parents as First Teachers (PAFT) is a government initiative which works on the philosophy that parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. The programme provides free, practical support for NZ families with children aged birth to 3 years, and offers a range of services including personal home visits, developmental surveillance and connections to other community agencies and resources.

The aim of the Parents as First Teachers programme is to assist and encourage parents to participate more effectively in their children’s early development and learning. Through participation in the programme families gain a better understanding of how their child grows and develops, and learn skills to encourage this development. Parents gain confidence in their parenting abilities and receive the support and professional assistance they need to ensure their child’s safety, well being and development.

Tauhara Primary School - please visit their website for any information.

PHOTO: from the Right Andrew Milne – President Taupo Expresso and then the Principal – Beverly Purdie and students, then Lorna Pettigrew – Office Manager

 Family Start - Letter from Family Start - see below