Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Taveuni Ambulance Handover

AG Scott, DG Howard, Jenny and Michael in front
of the Taveuni Ambulance when it was at District Assembly
Today at mid day I will be meeting along with other Rotarians) with the CEO of Wellington Free Ambulance and the 'handover' will take place.
The generosity of Rotarians from throughout the country has been matched with the generosity of Wellington Free who are providing a fully kitted ambulance that we are able to gift to the Hospital in Taveuni - with the local Taveuni Rotary Club keeping a very watchful eye on maintenance and care of the vehicle.
The people I would like to thank include:

  • The 5 other District Governors who so eagerly accepted the challenge to contribute money for the Ambulance
  • To all those Clubs who have contributed directly to the funding of this Ambulance and with the option to contribute to other ambulances for the Pacific Islands in the future
  • To Petone Club for sponsoring this project under the leadership of President Pam
  • To Michael Bolton, a Wgtn Free driver and Rotarian of the Petone Club for completing all the necessary liaison between the District and the Wellington Free management

  • To AG Scott Bruce who accepted the challenge to organise the transporting of the ambulance across to Fiji
  • Finally to Geoff Amos - a Rotarian with a heart of gold and the ability to mastermind and deliver projects for the benefit of the islanders on Taveuni Island.

We are almost there.  The Ambulance will be taking on board extra medical supplies in Wellington, sealed, placed on a truck and sent to Auckland where it will then be freighted to Fiji.
I look forward to the pictures that I am sure Geoff will supply once the Ambulance is in service.