Sunday, June 12, 2011

DGEs updated on International projects

DGE Bob was one of six incoming New Zealand/Pacific DGs who met at Wellington airport recently with the Board of RNZWCS Ltd (Rotary New Zealand World Community Service).  It is traditional that incoming DGs meet with the Board at this time to be briefed on the work of the company and to ask questions of the Board.  Bob will also act as representative for all of the DGs at Board meetings throughout the year, although he attended several Board meetings last year on behalf of DG Howard and always found them very interesting and  informative.

The company was set up to encourage Clubs to carry out World Community Service projects (humanitarian development projects and disaster relief), for coordination purposes and to provide a means for liaising with government, particularly seeking funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) on behalf of Clubs.  Bob was briefed on the company’s history and recent developments in government’s approach to contestable funding.  Clubs should be aware that funding is available for certain overseas projects through MFAT’s Sustainable Development Fund but that applications need to be made through RNZWCS Ltd, as required by MFAT.
DGE Bob listens intently at the recent
RNZWCS meeting
held in Wellington

DGs heard about the company’s role in disaster relief, including the appeal for funds for Christchurch’s earthquake recovery ($1.6 million to date), and about support provided to Clubs’ international humanitarian projects.  A key focus of DGE Bob’s this year is to connect clubs interested in humanitarian projects  and persuade then to pool their resources, if necessary , to galvanise this interest into action.  Bob also encourages clubs who haven’t yet considered an offshore project to do so.

The Board gave special thanks to retiring Associate Board member Sandra Bartlam (Hutt Valley) for her service over the years and to 9940 Emergency Response Kit Convenor Dave Wilson (Eastern Hutt) for his exceptional efforts this past year – visits to 50 of our 60 Clubs.  More about the company can be found at

If 9940 Clubs are looking for an international project, they should contact Martin Garcia (Tawa) at  There are plenty of projects available in the Pacific.  The newly-renamed District 9940 International Relations Committee (formerly World Community Service Committee) supports the international service activities of Clubs by providing advice and information and you will be hearing more about and from this Committee in 2011/12.