Monday, June 13, 2011

We are back home

Ready for another plenary session
and spot the proud Kiwis!
We arrived home on Sunday after 36 hours in transit - flying some 26 hours via Gatwick/Munich/Hong Kong and Auckland.  It was good to finally turn the key and come home.  Sleeping, or trying to, in an upright position is not much fun - I am sure we can all relate to that.  But what a great time.

The International Convention.  This is an event all Rotarians should try to experience at least once - next year Bangkok and the registrations have already opened and Jenny and I are going - why not join us.
PDG David, Michele
and Jenny negotiating
the lift to the 8th floor

The Big Apple - I had always wanted to visit Broadway!  Joined by PDG David and Michele, we had a great time - doing the tourist thing but also just wandering and soaking up the atmosphere of a city that 'never sleeps'.  Manhattan is small in size but so big in history, big buildings and noise!

Thanks Nana!
And finally London - well the main attraction to be honest was not the sight seeing, but was definitely family orientated.  Young Ollie was cuddled so much!!  It was good to catch up with family and we also spent a couple of days in Kent.  Dover Castle was most impressive and we stayed at a lovely Bed and Breakfast just out of Battle.

And now we are at home - and all we have are memories and heaps of photos.  Thanks to you all for your good wishes and yes, we had a great time.