Sunday, June 19, 2011

A time for celebrating our achievements

Part of the crowd at Changeover - is
that PDG Tony and Cheryl I can spy?
Well done District 9940!
We have now had the opportunity to meet and the greet old friends and to celebrate our 2010/11 year.
We met at Wanganui Race Course - over 200 turned up to reunite with old friends and to make new acquaintances.

Wanganui Club really went all out  to put on a great event and they certainly succeeded.  

Past District 9940 Governors and partners
My first task was to present District Awards and I will create a separate blog to list those. 
 Then had the opportunity to present a report on the achievements of the District - again a separate Blog.  Finally there was the Changeover where I passed the chain of office over to Bob and Bob was able to spell out his objectives for the coming year.
Now what' so funny Bob.  Jenny and DGE Graeme
are also slightly amused.  As for Margaret, she's
beside herself!!
Another wonderful moment was the presenting of Paul Harris Fellows to the partners of Past District Governors - again another Blog - but the photo you see here is the PDGs and partners in one of the larger gatherings of them all in one place.  It was a great event and there was much laughter and memoirs of days gone by.  And of course much advice to me and to Bob.  Certainly it will be a highlight of my time as Governor and to have the thrill of seeing Jenny being awarded a Paul Harris Fellow by incoming DG Bob.  Secretly - a tearful moment for me.  Jenny means so much to me as a partner and life long friend!