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As reported in the RC of Otaki Bulletin:
Each ShelterBox disaster relief tent can house an extend family of up to ten people. The tents undergo rigorous testing in wind and rain tunnels and can withstand extremes of high and low temperatures.
ShelterBox’s partners in Pakistan, the NRSP (National Rural Support Programme), delivered the aid to families who have been rescued from Pakistan’s worst floods in living memory.
The tents were pre-positioned in Pakistan by ShelterBox Field Operations Advisor, Mark Pearson, a month ago on NRSP’s advice.
‘We knew a particularly bad monsoon season was going to hit,’ said Mark. ‘We were operating in response to Cyclone Phet and the flooding in the Hunza Valley and it made sense to keep boxes on standby in readiness for any potential flooding.
‘I worked closely with NRSP and trained them on the best way to distribute our kit. They’ve been fantastic in getting aid to families most in need immediately after the floods hit.’
Incredible support ShelterBox Head of Operations, John Leach, added: ‘We’ve been working in Pakistan since early June and monitoring the situation in the Hunza Valley since the landslide happened there in January.

‘It’s vital we’re always ready for the next disaster and our supporters have been magnificent this year. As we’ve seen with the floods in Pakistan, we don’t know when the next disaster will hit. To stay ready, we need your help, however great or small that may be.’
Since 2005, ShelterBox has worked in Pakistan in response to earthquakes, conflict, flooding, cyclones and landslides.
For more Shelter Box information go here
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