Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Foundation - our own Charity

How is our giving to Foundation?
Contributions to the Annual Programs Fund (APF) keep Rotary Foundation programs humming in high gear to help people with desperate needs.
Your APF support through the “Every Rotarian, Every Year” initiative is vital to Doing Good in the World.  Read more.... 

Lets Educate our members
The new list of Weekly Rotary Foundation Thoughts is now available. This collection of brief, thematic commentaries is an effective tool to help Rotarians learn how the Foundation is Doing Good in the World and to broaden participation in the EREY effort.
Club presidents are encouraged to open each meeting with a Foundation thought, ideally rotating the reading among club members.

Remember to approach PDG Tony Fryer or members of his team to speak to your Club about the Foundation and the Future Vision Pilot.

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