Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Heretaunga - up beat!

It was a surprised Jenny and Howard who walked into the reception for the DG at Heretaunga's meeting this evening.  Eight well dressed gentlemen, resplendent in red bola and tie and singing a welcome that went something like this:

To the tune of 'Singing in the rain'
It's the Dee G again
The Dee G again
The DG is visiting
We're happy again
We'd walk through the rain
Singing a happy refrain
To see the DG visit again

To the tune 'Heaven'
Heaven, we're in heaven
And it's not because Bruce Harts about to speak
No, we seem to find the happiness we seek
With DG Howard visiting this week.

PDG Graham at home with his Club

A great meeting, a challenge to members to question those matters in their Club that 'are broke' and to remind them there are things in Rotary that are not for sale!
It was good to meet old friends and three PDG's - namely Stuart Macaskill, Bryan Ross and Graham Douglass.  Thanks to President Bruce and his happy team at Heretaunga - about to celebrate their 40th anniversary on 15th.

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